Saturday, October 9, 2010

launch of "road work ahead", an anthology of poetry and images

Please join us for the launch of "Road Work Ahead" on Sunday October 24 at 4 pm, at Artword Artbar, 15 Colbourne St., anthology of poetry and images edited by Frances Ward and introduced by J.S. Porter. Contributors are: Ross Belot, Dick Capling, Elizabeth Corey, James Deahl, Linda Frank, Lin Geary, Marilyn Gear Pilling, Adam Getty, John C. Goodman, Ellen S. Jaffe, Paul Lisson, Andrew McPhail, Robert Morpheal, Chris Pannell, J.S. Porter, Bernadette Rule, Jeff Seffinga, John Terpstra, Duane Tucker, f.ward, Frances Ward, Stan White, Robert Clark Yates.

"You can’t NOT get there from here. The poems and images in this fantastic volume of journey, discovery, and reflection blaze trails to every where there is to go. To landscapes, both outside and in, memories of first accidents, forks along the way, cul de sacs, jam-ups, wrong turns, and hard-won arrivals. Frances Ward’s striking visual readings of our roads seduce into motion an incredible traffic of words and ideas. From the incisive introduction by J.S. Porter to the last syllable, with some of Hamilton’s finest poets weighing in along the way, Road Work Ahead is full of the speed, waywardness, freedom, frustration, clarity and stillness that we associate with the stop and go, the fact and metaphor, of that amazing phenomenon - the road." - Jeff Mahoney

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